Monday, July 27, 2015

Two Countries, One Border and Too Many Problems

Immigration has been a controversial topic over the years but has profoundly been brought to Americans attention recently by one of the 2016 Presidential Candidates, Donald Trump.  Trump has made valid points, maybe not in the most professional way, but he brings up issues that many Americans feel need to be addressed. This problem of immigration, especially in Texas has increased tremendously over the past decade. Illegal immigration has become a serious problem in America, which most immigrants are coming from Mexico, causing an increase in crime and violence.

Don’t get me wrong, not all illegals are criminals but when there is already problems with crime (rape, drugs, murder) why would America want to escalate this percentage from people that should not even be here? This is why America and Texas should protect the borders to allow no illegals over without going through the correct process and receiving the right documents. If you want to be an American citizen, go through the appropriate procedure, like a criminal background check, and pay your fair share of taxes. As an American citizen, I find it extremely provoking when illegals get handed free or reduced items, like groceries and health care that taxpayers eventually pay for.

As Trump has expressed and what many other politicians agree with but are too reluctant to speak up, illegal immigration from Mexico needs to be stopped because it is not only hurting our economy but is bringing danger to our society. Right now, the U.S. and Mexico border is not secure, with an increase in trafficking and easy access for immigrants to cross. We know Mexico has no intention to protect the border because Mexican officials are corrupted and have no desire to stop their citizens from seeking a more prosperous lifestyle. Texans and Americans need to address this issue or else the American economy will collapse from trying to support thousands of illegals and the crime rate will surge exponentially.


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  2. In Two Countries, One Border, and Too Many Problems, Alyssa Wilkins discuss a very controversial topic that has dominated politics for years and is being highlighted in the 2016 Presidential Race. Immigration causes such a mix of reactions and emotions, which lead to more issues being called into question. Illegal immigration is a problem, more so in border states such as Texas, that will affect the entire Nation. As Wilkins states, “many politicians agree but are too reluctant to speak up” about illegal immigration because of how it will affect their ratings and chances of being elected whether it is for president, governor, and some other political position.
    Wilkins present several arguments for why illegal immigration needs to be stopped, including “hurting our economy [and] bringing danger to our society.” She also points to two things that upset Americans, especially those citizens of border states, about illegal immigration: “illegals getting handed free or reduced items” while there is a process for receiving American citizenship.
    But Wilkins fails to address the real issue, which many seem to overlook, that while there is a process for gaining citizenship that process doesn’t work and isn’t enforced. There is little repercussions against illegal immigrants, such as deportation. Currently in order to gain citizenship, the process can take upwards of 10 years. Many would wonder why wait that long, even to be considered for citizenship, which isn’t guaranteed, when coming here illegally seems to have no repercussions but plenty of benefits. This needs to be fixed because the American economy cannot be sustained without these immigrants. The solution to illegal immigration is to fix the process and let the people who want to work and make our country a better place come in to the United States. As legal citizens, their taxes will then contribute to supporting necessary programs. This would be easier than making a giant fence, which doesn’t actually work, or having to pour thousands of tax payers’ dollars to end up with little to no result. By looking at other issues, such as how long and hard it is to gain citizenship, a reduction in illegal immigration might be found and hard-working and deserving people would become legal.

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  4. In “Two Countries, One Border”, written by my classmate Alyssa Wilkins she shares with us the opinion of our 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald Trump regarding the issue of immigration, along with a peak of hers, which I don’t completely agree on.
    During Alyssa’s article she states, “Illegal immigration has become a serious problem in America, which most immigrants are coming from Mexico, causing an increase in crime and violence”, here she shares with us her opinion on how she believes that these Mexican immigrants only add to the crime rate here in the US which I think is an assumption. Yes, I agree some Mexican immigrants illegal or not add to the crime rate here in the US, but that is just as much as legal Anglo people do along with all the other races here. Meaning, that the only difference between the two is a piece of paper that states the citizenship? Regardless the standard and expectation for ALL people here should be to stay away from jails and to lower crime rate! Their citizenship on this land should not give them the right to be a criminal and end up in jail! Higher standards in general are needed.
    Next, my classmate writes that these illegal immigrants need to be stopped with more secure boarders because they should arrive here without proper documentation and permits. BUT I do not think she realizes how difficult, expensive and time consuming it is for somebody with the intention of coming here has to deal with in order to come to the states with those papers/permits. Also in more realistic terms the people who want to come here are those who are in very hard financial circumstances seeking more opportunities here in America which makes in almost impossible to come up with the resources to come here with permits. In addition she mentions the unfairness that goes on since she believes that immigrants don’t pay taxes but then again don’t we all inevitably pay taxes when we do something as simple as buying at a store? Granted, I understand that it isn’t the same and that state taxes are different but just wanted to throw that thought out there.
    Also, I would like to add that there are also many things these immigrants have to offer like their hard work ethic, wide knowledge, and their grain of salt for diversity added to the ideal diversity America seeks for. I believe along with Alyssa that together with the surrounding countries communication and a plan is needed so that this issue is not only fixed but also solved, all while not completely booting immigrants or keeping them and their positive intentions out for good.
