Friday, August 14, 2015

Defund Planned Parenthood

In the article, Texas Should Fund Planned Parenthood, the author discusses the benefits that Planned Parenthood provides for families, children and women. Texas has the highest number of uninsured citizens and I believe that there needs to be organizations that help fund healthcare for patients. The author makes a valid point about the expenses of medical care and the need for organizations like Planned Parenthood to provide assistance.

However, the author failed to mention the recent discussions about Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is allowing women to abort their babies in order for them to be harvested for their body parts. I am all for research and being an organ donor but to perform a partial birth abortion on a perfectly healthy baby just so you can receive money is not saving lives but rather killing them. An article I read, mentioned that doctors were performing abortions at 24 weeks. Abortions should not be performed after 20 weeks considering several studies have shown that at 5 months the fetus can feel pain. Some people see Planned Parenthood as beneficial to the society but I disagree with this and think that allowing individuals to abort a fetus so their body parts can be harvested is murder. The author mentions that Planned Parenthood protects women’s rights, like the decision of abortion, which is not a choice I think women should be able to make, especially at a certain term of their pregnancy. Although the author made some valid points about Planned Parenthood providing services for low-income citizens, I think they missed the biggest issue that Planned Parenthood is advocating, which is why I disagree with the author and think Texas should not fund Planned Parenthood.

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